Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So Humbled by A letter...Giving is my Gift but recieving LETTERS is such an honour!

Reservoir Hills Bible Baptist Church

P O Box 65059
Reservoir Hills

(Tel) 031 262 0442
Pastor Cedric John

Dear Zookey Mankwali

The church acknowledges your kind gesture with much gratitude. The drum kit is a welcomed addition to our praise and worship experience. Thank you for your kindness and your obedience to the prompting of the Lord.

Our drummer is developing well and just this Sunday we listened to him with pleasure. It has motivated him tremendously and he found a ministry in church that he delights to serve in. Thank you for the wonderful value you added to his life. Beyond the church, his family is appreciative too and indeed the worship team as well.

We hope to meet you sometimes. In the interim, God Bless you richly.

In His service,

Pastor Cedric John
031 262 0442

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