Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wear Black on SA Women's Day: 9 August

‘Thursdays in Black’ Campaign

This campaign, which was launched in South Africa by the Diakonia Council of Churches during the 16 Days of Activism Campaign at the end of 2008, is an ongoing drive to raise awareness and encourage people to work towards a world without rape and violence against women and children.  The World Health Organisation’s statistics in 2009 indicated that every 15 seconds a woman is raped in South Africa.  We say this is unacceptable.

The response has been positive and many people, both women and men, have committed themselves to wearing black on Thursdays.  This is an outward sign of mourning and of standing in solidarity with women who have died at the hands of their partners and signifies a desire to make a difference in our world.

The buttons have been distributed at various workshops, where gender-based violence is addressed and where the links between HIV infection and gender injustice are stressed.  The members of the Self Help Groups are being empowered to understand the implications of gender-based violence and many of them appreciate the opportunity of wearing black on Thursdays to highlight this debilitating scourge in our rural communities. 

Various churches have distributed the buttons and information leaflets at their Synods and other gatherings of church leaders.  In the past three years approximately 9,000 buttons and flyers have been distributed in both English and isiZulu – some as far afield as Cape Town.  Diakonia Council of Churches’ website promoted the campaign during the 16 Days of Activism Campaign and this additional source of information solicited much interest.

If you would like more information about the Thursdays in Black Campaign or would like someone to address your church or organisation on this topic, please contact the Diakonia Council of Churches office on [+2731] 310-3514.